- Interceptive
- Children and adults
- Pre-prosthetic orthodontics
- Fixed orthodontics devices (conventional and self ligating technique)
- Removable orthodontic devices
- Micro implants
Orthodontics engages in prevention, diagnostics and correcting teeth disarrangment and the adjacent structures. Orthodontic therapy is not a luxury these days it is rather a need that should not be neglected. The results are permanent and provide you with the smile that you have always wanted.
There is no age limit for orthodontic therapy.

It is advisable to visit the orthodontist for the first time at the age of six. At this age the first permanent molar teeth as well as the incisors sprout and different disorders in teeth sprouting may appear (protruded teeth, early loss of baby teeth, long term thumb sucking or some other inadequate habit, speech difficulty, problems with chewing or closing mouth). Orthodontic check ups should occur on a regular basis because of the growth and the development of a child especially if the child has an orthodontic device.
Early loss of baby teeth represents a big problem that has a later malocclusion as a consequence. Therapeutic possibilities with children in puberty are much larger than with the patients that have finished growing. It is possible to correct the teeth using orthodontic techniques with the adults but that does not include the adjacent area except when using surgical procedures.
When talking about the adult orthodontics it often makes a part of interdsciplinary approach. Upon completing the orthodontic therapy patients often need implant-prosthetic solution of substituting formerly lost teeth and surrounding bone structure: „Smile design“, teeth whitening – everything to achieve a beautiful smile.
The duration of orthodontic therapy is individual and it depends on the difficulty of anomaly, metabolism and patient’s motivation.
Orthodontic devices can be classified as fixed and removable. The fixed devices are often used in orthodontics, they are attached to the teeth ( the patient cannot take them off by herself/himself). Removable devices can be put on or taken out according to the orthodontic’s instructions.
Fixed devices are made of wires and braces that are attached to the teeth. Braces can be aesthetic – plastic, composite, ceramic or sapphire one. They are transparent and barely noticeable, adjusted to the teeth shade and cause less aesthetic problems than the metal ones.
There are also metallic braces. Both sorts are attached using a special glue that does not damage the surface of the tooth. The wire is set in the slot of the brace and with its elastic characteristics it creates an orthodontic force that causes teeth to shift.
We also offer a possibility of using micro implants as a part of orthodontic therapy with removable, removable – fixed or fixed devices which serve as a maximal stronghold and provide a faster and better quality therapy goal.
Oral hygene is extremely important in each phase of the orthodontic therapy. A wide range of products intended for the patients can be found on the market. We educate our patients about regular oral hygene, an interdental toothbrush, a tongue scraper and a tooth shower.
After the active phase of therapy using the fixed orthodontic device, a phase of retention follows – keeping and stabilising the teeth in the correct position.
A retainer (transparent mobile brace) should be used according to the exact instruction of the orthodonic specialist.
Depending on the initial sort of anomaly, the patients are advised to use the so called fixed retention. It is attached to the inside part of the teeth and it is acceptable aesthetically since it cannot be seen and it doesn’t make a problem when eating or talking. This phase of the therapy is very important and the patient is informed about it in detail.
The correct therapy carried out in the patient- doctor cooperation gives excellent results.

Mon-Fri | 08:00 – 19:00 |
023 311 520

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